Liverpool Uranium Project – West Arnhem (Alligator Uranium Fields)
Eclipse Metals Ltd has currently 1,229 sqkm of highly prospective uranium, vanadium, palladium, platinum, and gold ground in the Northern Territory, covering areas within West Arnhem (Alligator Uranium Fields). This includes the Devil’s Elbow uranium-gold-palladium prospect (part of the Liverpool Projects) located within EL27584, which yielded high grade surface uranium assays of 3.2% U3O8, 3.7% U3O8, 4.40% U3O8 and 5.8% U3O8, with 38.1 g/t Au and 28.02 g/t Pd related to fractures within altered amygdaloidal basalt of the Nungbalgarri Volcanics. Eclipse project areas are prospective for unconformity style uranium deposits, in a similar geological setting to the world class Ranger, Nabarlek, and Jabiluka uranium deposits.
The focus of Eclipse’s exploration strategy is the discovery of unconformity-style uranium deposits. There is also additional potential for gold, palladium and platinum Coronation Hill style deposits of the South Alligator Valley (SAV) region within the Company’s tenement areas for exploration.
Liverpool Project
The Liverpool Project consists of five exploration licences, totalling 1,229 sqkm of highly prospective uranium gold, platinum and palladium ground located near the world class deposits of Ranger, Nabarlek, and Jabiluka Uranium Mines. More than 60 km of Ranger geological fault line is identified within the Liverpool project area.
Ground investigation over the Devil’s Elbow area has found radioactive boulders with counts up to 24,100cps. Samples taken from the radioactive volcanic boulders assayed 1,720ppmU (0.172% U), 1,210ppmU (0.121% U) with a highest value of 3,300ppm U (0.33% U).
Cameco Australia Pty Ltd conducted exploration over the Devil’s Elbow Project from 2001 to 2007. A detailed radiometric survey delineated uranium anomalies to the south-west of the Devil’s Elbow Prospect which remain to be tested.
Rock Chip results from Trench 2 (the Ferricrete Anomaly) yielded strong uranium assays of 7,620ppm (0.762% U), 3,720ppm (0.372% U), 3,640ppm (0.364% U) and 3,620ppm (0.362% U). Highest total counts are in excess of 15,550cps.
The Devil’s Elbow uranium-gold-palladium prospect located within EL27584, yielded high grade surface uranium assays of 3.2% U3O8, 3.7% U3O8, 4.40% U3O8 and 5.8% U3O8, with 38.1 g/t Au and 28.02 g/t Pd related to fractures within altered amygdaloidal basalt of the Nungbalgarri Volcanics. Abundant strong untested radiometric anomalies are hosted within the Gumarrimbang Sandstone which is considered prospective for unconformity related uranium mineralisation associated with gold and palladium.